Acolytes Guild
DID YOU KNOW? The word “acolyte” comes from the Greek word “akolouthos” which means a servant or attendant who waits on another. The Acolyte ministry originated from Old Testament times.
The Scriptures tell us of the prophet Samuel assisting Eli the priest and of Eli being assisted by Elisha. The New Testament illustrates early Christian adoption of this custom, which has been carried forward to the present day. The Acolyte assists priests and deacons so that worshipers may celebrate the Holy Eucharist and other rites of the Church with simple dignity. In fact, the Book of Common Prayer states, “At all celebrations of the Liturgy, it is fitting that the principal celebrant…be assisted by other priests, and by deacons and lay persons.” The preceding is taken, with permission from the Burton Parish Episcopal Church in Williamsburg, VA.
At St. Luke’s we have a small, but active acolyte guild. We serve at the Sunday Morning services as well as special occasions such as Christmas, Easter or whenever requested.
— Mike Jackson
Being an acolyte of St. Lukes is a great experience. I enjoy helping in the services, and I have learned a lot about the church and how the services are run.
– Rockwood Frank
Lay Readers
A lay reader is a person authorized by a bishop in the Anglican Communion to lead certain services of worship (or parts of the service). Lay readers often read the first and second readings during Holy Eucharist and the Psalms and Prayers of the People.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
The Eucharistic Minister assists the clergy of St. Luke’s during communion by presenting the Chalice to worshipers at the altar rail. Eucharistic Ministry may also involve taking the sacrament to members of St. Luke’s who by reason of infirmity or illness were not able to present at a celebration of communion in the church. Eucharistic Ministry requires training by the clergy and licensing from the Bishop.