The truth is that no one much likes to think or talk about stewardship. We have heard
of the joyful giver, and I have met a few who took giving to a high level. Most of us like
to receive gifts, but that’s not stewardship, or is it? The fact is that our St. Luke’s will
not survive long without its people giving to it regularly.

We are admonished to tithe to our Lord’s work and give a tenth of our talent and time
which includes our funds. I grew up in a tradition that giving a tenth of before-tax
income was an expected practice. As an adult, I have modified that to a tenth of my
take-home pay. I would encourage others to do as much as they can.

What I give to God right off the top, I don’t miss, as I wait for my next pay check.

—Lee Stadtmiller, St. Luke’s Sr. Warden, 2009

Why Give?

“Give generously, all the time” summarizes some of
Jesus’ teaching. Being generous transforms us and the

We have seen individual giving grow, year by year here.
Faithful giving enables our ministries to continue confidently and effectively. Yes, giving is a sacrifice. But we
aim to be cheerful givers because that’s the spirit of
the New Testament.

There are numerous ways to give:
Click on our Give Online button
By Mail: 119 North 33rd Street, Billings, MT 59101
Contact Jean Buer-Mott, Treasurer
or the church office.

There are other opportunities for giving. If you would like to give to the Memorial Foundation, Altar Guild, altar flowers, the Child Enrichment Center, our Phase II Renovation Fund, or the MRM outreach sandwich-making program, please email the church at secretary@stlukesbillings.org
Contact Mtr. Melinda if you would like to discuss planned giving.

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