Women of St. Luke’s
Women of St. Luke’s is a dedicated, enthusiastic, and faithful group of women who meet monthly for prayer, fellowship, and service. Every woman who isa member of our church is a member of Women of St. Luke’s. Meetings take place on the third Saturday of the month at 10 a.m. in the Guild Room.
Our contributions to the parish and community include:
• Sponsoring the United Thank Offering
• Participating in Dress-A-Child
• Monthly contribution to Friendship House
• Providing gift baskets for families in need
• Assisting families with funerals and celebrations
• Providing financial help for books to any seminary student who is a member of St. Luke’s
• Providing the Forward Day By Day to all members
• Gifting Christmas contributions to church staff
• Reaching out to elderly or shut in members
• Hosting annual spring luncheon for all women of St. Luke’s and St. Stephen’s
• Celebrate Christmas by going out for a no-host lunch
It is our hope that all of the women of St. Luke’s will find the time to join us. If you have any questions feel free to contact our President Claire Snyder at 861-1814, or Vice President Gayle Gransbery at 350-0269.
Men of St. Luke’s
The Men of St. Luke also enjoy fellowship through a book study and breakfast once a month. They work on many projects around the church and host the annual Pancake Supper for Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras) prior to Lent. If you’d like to know and activities please email Doug Clapper at