Community Outreach
Sandwiches for the Rescue Mission
As part of St. Luke’s mission to the community, and those less fortunate, we donate time and food to the Montana Rescue Mission. This program was started 2 decades ago by Deacon John Wilson and has continued with the dedicated help of many parishioners. Twice a month, after services, we assemble approximately 120–130 meat and cheese sandwiches. The sandwiches are distributed that week at the Rescue Mission for lunches. The cost of the supplies for this outreach project is paid for, in part, by generous parishioners. If you are interested in donating to this worthy endeavor please contact the church office. Volunteers are always welcome to help. Call Stacie for more information 254-0449.
Visit the Montana Rescue Mission site.

Mat Making for Homeless
This outreach project has been in the works for a couple of years. Volunteers crochet sleeping mats out of used plastic handle- type bags from grocery stores. They are for those who sleep outside, providing protection from moisture on the ground and some insulation. With the low oil prices, there is no market for recycled linear plastic bags, so we are repurposing something that would be otherwise discarded. It takes between 500-700 bags it make one mat. There is a significant time investment making a 3.5’x6’ mat that also has a carrying strap. Those who would like to participate in this ministry but cannot crochet, can collect and cut bags; making the “yarn” that we use. A bag collection box is in Cardwell Hall. Contact Libby Laird at 690-5092 or Kaye Kelly at 805-428-3250 for instructions. The mat making class meets the second Tuesday from 5:30–7:30 p.m. in Cardwell Hall at St. Luke’s. You don’t have to crochet to join us. “Plarn” (plastic yarn made from grocery sacks) cutters are not only needed, but greatly appreciated
Mats are distributed by Spread the Word 406 or St. Vincent DePaul who help the homeless by serving food, providing clothing and offering friendship to the homeless population in Billings.
Parish Communications
By phone: St. Luke’s volunteers regularly check in with parishioners through our phone tree to see how they are doing. It’s a great way to stay in touch, especially when many are social distancing due to the coronavirus.
By email and traditional mail: We send out e-News, printed newsletters and postcards to parishoners.
By Internet: We recently had a successful “Town Hall” get-together with Zoom, and hope to do it again soon!
Prayer Chain Ministry: A group of 45 people pray daily for those who are ill.