Whether you’re just curious or already committed, we welcome all who want to explore, learn, serve, discuss, worship, pray, and more. We’re here to help you connect with the God of the good news and with our vibrant congregation.
For more than 130 years, St. Luke’s has reached out to meet needs in Billings, in our nation, and world. We support many endeavors. Find a new freedom and a deep sense of purpose by serving regularly!
Contact us if one of these ministries speaks to you.
These include:
- Acolytes
- Altar Guild
- Lay Readers
- Lay Eucharistic Ministers
- Choir
- Ushers / Greeters
- Godly Play
- Youth Group
- Summer Camp Helper
- Preschool board and/or classroom aid
- Property Committee
- Sandwich-making for the Montana Rescue Mission
- Mat making for homeless
- Food Bank collections
- Fellowship Hour Host
- Prayer Ministries
- Flower Guild
- Shut-in Visitors
- Office Administrative Help
- Publications / Newsletter
- Memorial Foundation
- Vestry
The best way to find yourself is to lose
yourself in the service of others.
— Mahatma Gandhi
We make a living by what we get, but
we make a life by what we give.
— Winston Churchill